CPTech Email Lists
A2K - Access to Knowledge.
Broadcast-Discuss - The Proposed WIPO Broadcasting/Webcasting/Cablecasting Treaty.
Ecommerce. Discussions of a variety of issues effecting electronic commerce.
Hague-jur-commerical-lawDiscussion of the Hague Conference on
Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements.
IP-Health - Intellectual Property Rights and Healthcare.
Random Bits - Odds and Ends, Sent Out by James Love.
Tips on Unsubscribing from Lists
Under the new mailman software, there should be a tag at the end of each
message, giving a URL for the "listinfo" page for each list. For example,
for random-bits, it is:
At the very bottom of this page is a form where you can enter your
email address, and it will permit you to change your list options,
or unsubscribe from the list. Changing the list options or unsubscribing
will require that you know your list password. If you forgot,
there is a place on the settings page (the one you get to
by entering your email address) to receive a reminder.
If none of this works, send
us a note and we'll try to fix it.
You can also communicate with the mailman list software via
email. To receive the commands, send a note to
listname-request@lists.essential.org, with the word help in the body of
the message, where listname is the name of the list. For example,
for information on random-bits, send a note to
random-bits-request@lists.essential.org with the word help in
the body of the message.
Privacy Issues
We don't sell or give away email addresses, or use the addresses
for other purposes. We don't sign people up to lists unless they
ask to be on a list. People don't like this, and we don't like
to be a source of aggravation. Each of these lists is
archived, and the archives are public. That means that what you
say on these lists may be indexed by various Internet search
engines. Thus, the content of what you post will be public.