TRIPS Council Meeting, March, 2002
WTO Page on the TRIPS Council Meeting: Members start work on Doha agenda items.
Submissions of WTO Members
United States
European Union
March 5, 2002.
Statement of the Africa Group, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Statements from World Bodies and NGOs
March 8, 2002. Health GAP Statement.
USTR at TRIPS Council: betraying people with AIDS.
March 7, 2002.
Oxfam Report on TRIPS Council
March 4, 2002. Health GAP press release.
U.S. Post-Doha Conditions Can Kill
March 2, 2002.
World Health Organization Statement
News Stories
March 8, 2002. Inside Trade.
EU and U.S. Split Over Scope of TRIPS Exceptions for Public Health.
March 7, 2002. Daniel Pruzin for the Bureau of National Affairs.
US offers moratorium on compulsory licensing disputes, rejects amending TRIPS.
March 5, 2002. Chakravarthi Raghavan for the South-North Development Monitor.
US trying to limit Doha public health declaration.
March 5, 2002. Robert Evans for Reuters.
EU Proposes Easing WTO Rules to Get Drugs to Poor.
March, 2002. Eric Noehrenberg for the IFPMA newsletter Pharma Policy News.
WTO Update - TRIPS Council.
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