February 19, 2003
Via Facsimile: (011-4122) 749-5308
Mr. Dominic Keating
RE: WTO TRIPS meeting week of February 17, 2003 and Doha's Article 30 solution
Dear Mr. Keating:
World Vision U.S. understands that there will be a meeting of the Council for Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights next week in Geneva. World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian relief and development organization operating in partnership with national World Vision offices in over 90 countries.
Last November, in Sydney, Australia, World Vision Australia, Oxfam and Medecins sans Frontiers spoke with the Ministers who attended the informal meeting. One of the central issues for discussion was TRIPS and access to generic medicines. World Vision U.S. remains concerned over the negotiations next week in Geneva.
Over the past 50 years, World Vision has directed its efforts toward improving the welfare and rights of children and their families living in the most impoverished and marginalized communities in the developing world. From our experience, we conclude that it is imperative for middle-income and developing nations to have access to affordable medicines through a mechanism that is both simple and legally binding. World Vision believes that the proposed Article 30 solution to TRIPS is the most just proposal on the table at this time because it addresses the overwhelming public health challenges faced by the developing world.
It is important to note that last January 31, President Bush remarked on his historic Emergency HIV/AIDS Initiative and said:
Bruce Wilkinson
Attorney Advisor,
U.S. Patent and Trademarks
U.S. Mission to the United Nations
11 Route Pregny
1292 Chambesy
Geneva, Switzerland
"America believes deeply that everybody has worth, everybody matters. …If you're blessed, there is a responsibility to recognize your blessings in a compassionate way. Blessings are a two-way street. We've got to understand in this country that if you value life and say every life is equal, that includes a suffering child on the continent of Africa."
We urge the United States to adopt the Doha Article 30 solution. Thank you for your attention to our request. We welcome your comments and response.
Senior Vice President
International Programs Group
World Vision
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