Patricia M. Danzon Danzon is the Celia Moh Professor of Health Care Systems,
Insurance and Risk Management at the Wharton School of Management at the
University of Pennsylvania, and a big favorite of the large US companies.
Here is her faculty homepage at the University of Pennsylvania, and see also
some samples of Danzon's work:
- May 22, 2001. Academic paper written on a grant from Wyeth-Ayerst.
Reference Pricing: Theory and Evidence
- November 1, 2000. Paper published by the CATO Institute.
Making Sense of Drug Prices.
- June 13, 2000.
Testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions on the topic of "international price differentials for
pharmaceuticals, why most comparisons are biased, reasons for the
differentials, and the implications of allowing importation of lower cost
drugs from other countries."
- April 4, 1999. Wharton School of Economics.
Price Comparisons for Pharmaceuticals: A Review of U.S. and Cross-National
- March, 1997. Summary of her book published by the American Enterprise Institute.
Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: National Policies versus Global Interests.
- (No date). Pfizer Forum.
Parallel Trade and Comparative Pricing of Medicines: Poor Choice for Patients?
Bio from
Henry Grabowski Grabowski is the Director of the Program in Pharmaceuticals and Health
Economics at Duke University, and a frequent expert called upon by
big pharma companies.
Here is his faculty homepage from Duke University. He was a co-author
of the 1991 article with DiMasi and others on the costs of drug development, and
is involved in many different issues.
Joseph DiMasi: DiMasi is the Director of Economic Analysis of the Tufts Center for
the Study of Drug Development. His studies on the cost of pharmaceutical
research and development are frequently cited.
On November 31, 2001, Tufts released the results of his latest study
(though not the study itself),
which concluded that the average cost of the development of a new drug is
$802 million. This is
Joseph DiMasi's Bio, and the web page for the
Tufts University Center for
the Study of Drug Development. Here is the
Press Packet for the November 30, 2001 Study, which contains
backgrounders on drug development and the methodology of the study.
According to DiMasi, the *average* risk adjusted cost of
just doing the clinical trials is $282 million before capital costs, and
about $.5 billion after capital costs .... a ridiculous number, in our opinion,
based upon easily accessible data on the costs (and risks)
of actually running clinical trials.
If you
want to really know what it costs to develop a new drug, take a look
at the excellent study the by the TB Alliance on the
Economics of TB Drug Development."
W. Duncan Reekie. Associated with the Institute of Economic Affairs in London
and the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. A
few samples of his work:
- Featured in the Pfizer Forum for his work on price controls,
"Medicine Prices and Innovations: An International Survey."
London, UK: IEA Health and Welfare Unit; 1996.
South Africa's Battle with AIDS and Drug Prices,
National Center for Policy Analysis, Brief Analysis No. 334, August 15, 2000.
Doris Estelle Long. Long is Professor of Law,
John Marshall School of Law, Chicago.
Beginning in January 1999 Long conducted serveral
workshops on intellectual property protection in the
Dominican Republic, in an attempt to discredit
proposed compulsory licensing provisions for pharmaceutical patents.
In December 1999 Long presented the Dominican deputies with a detailed
legal analysis of the proposed patent law.
She is an advisor to the US Patent and Trademark Office, and co-author of the
the Course Book in International Intellectual Property.
Henry I. Miller: Fellow at the Hoover Institution.
Uncle Sam’s Vaccines: Do we really want a postal-service model for
developing new medicines? November 26, 2001.
Attaran, Tren, Morris, Bate and various "free market" activists
Merck, Pfizer, GSK and other drug companies have supported the work of a
group of "free market" activists who are attacking the NGO's working on
the access to medicines issue, and supporting strong IP protections. The
"free market" activists are true believes of strong property rights.
Richard Tren, Jullian Morris, Duncan Ruccie, and Rosalind Mowatt
recently co-authored a book,
Ideal Matter: Globalization and the Intellectual Property Debate.
It was published by the
Centre for the New Europe.
Amir Attaran: Attaran is currently an Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
for the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, but his main job has been to
work for Jeffrey Sachs.
Here is Attaran's
faculty homepage
for the Kennedy School of Government.
Attaran is best known in the
HIV community for co-authoring an updated version of Lee Gillespie-White's
earlier paper on patents in Africa. The October 17, 2001, version, published in
JAMA, is a standard big pharma hand out at meetings on patents and public health.
The October 17, 2001, article,
Do Patents for Antiretroviral Drugs Constrain Access to AIDS Treatment in
Africa? in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Vol. 286 No.15.),
has been roundly criticized on methodological grounds, and even
more for the way it is used by Attaran and big pharma in policy debates,
where the various cavaets and limitaiton sof the analysis tend to fall
by the way side. This is an October 22, 2001
Interview by the Kennedy School of
One Expert's Opinion: Amir Attaran Says New Study Shows that
Patents Are Not The Obstacle to HIV Treatment in Africa.
PhRMA's page on patent on AIDS drugs provides
typical spin for the article.
The basic thrust of the Attaran/Gillespie-White JAMA paper is
that 172 patents on ARV products in Africa are not a barrier to
treatment. Among the most patented products are
combivir (37 countries), 3TC (33), AZT (17),
abacavir (15), Nevirapine (25), Amprenavir (12),
and Nelfinavir (24). Countries like Kenya and Unganda have as
many as seven products under patent, and South Africa had 13.
Most people who actually try to provide treatment think these patents
present problems, because they block generic competition for many
important ARV regimes that are cheap to manufacture and easy to use,
including the new fixed dose combination products that you can
only buy from generic suppliers.
This is the October 16, 2001 CPTech, Essential Action, Oxfam, TAC
and Health Gap joint
Comment on the Attaran/Gillespie-White and PhRMA surveys of patents on
Antiretroviral drugs in Africa, TAC/Nathan Geffen's
September 28, 2001
Treatment Access Coalition.
Open letter to Amir Attaran concerning the JAMA paper, and
letters to JAMA about the article, with Attaran and Gillepsie-White's response.
Attaran's interest in intellectual property issues has from time to time
touched on other issues. This is
his proposal in 1999 to pharmacetucial company executives to
the "unfettered freedom of contract"
to "bind future governments" to pay high prices for vacinnes, undermining
thier ability to use compulsory licensing or other TRIPS safeguards.
Here is a discussion of a talk Attaran gave a Harvard
in March 2001 regarding
the anticorporate agenda of activists who were criticizing the drug companies.
In the past Attaran has worked with Ralph Nader and also with the
Sierra Club in Canada,
and once was a member of an MSF working group on neglected diseases.
Some of these associations have soured as he has embarked on various anti-NGO
crusades. In recent years
Attaran has worked with Richard Tren, Roger Bate and other
"free market" activists, including mounting some
surprisingly strident attacks on Greenpeace and other environmental groups
over the
inclusion of DDT in the POPS treaty, an issue where there was a serious
disagreement, because of DDT'S utility in controlling malaria, a disease
that kills many poor persons.
In the POPS
treaty, like the discussion over patent rights, Attaran supports
the notion of greater aid from the developed countries,
while often supporting
business positions on patents or pesticide regulation.
Richard Tren: Tren advertises himself as the Director of
Africa Fighting Malaria, a group which has fought regulation of
DDT, where Tren worked with Attaran. Tren is also associated with
many other organizations, including for example the International
Water Management Institute, the
International Policy Network, the (South Africa)
Free market Foundation
(for his work opposing tobacco control), and
the (London) Institute of Economic Affairs, to mention a few.
- December 2, 2002. Op-ed in the European Voice.
Economic growth key to tackling AIDS.
- October 2, 2002. Business Day.
Activist's New Complaint Not Helpful.
- June 13, 2002. Tech Central Station.
Doctors Without Principles.
- May 3, 2002. Business Day.
Drug firms are allies in AIDS fight.
- February 25, 2002. Wall Street Journal.
The Boys from Brazil.
- November 9, 2001. Business Day. Co-authored by Jullian Morris.
Patents not real villain in blocking access to drugs.
- July, 2001. Article published by the International Policy Network and
co-authored by Roger Bate.
Malaria and Patents. This is part of a series of papers titled
TRIPS and Healthcare: Rethinking the Debate.
- May 14, 2001. Business Day. Co-authored by Jullian Morris.
Vacines Key to Healthy Africa.
- March 5, 2001,
"We need greater patent protection and greater profits, not less."
(Business Day, South Africa).
- March 5, 2001. Op-ed in South Africa's Business Day.
Ending Patents Not the Cure.
Roger Bate. Bate is connected with a large number of
groups, including the International Policy Network, the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, Consumer Alert (the Free Market
Consumer Group), the Economic Affairs in London
(Trading Ivory will Help Conservation, Malaria and the DDT Story),
European Science and Environment Forum, Liberty Institute (India),
and Working for Africa Fighting Malaria, to mention a few. He frequently
collaborates with Richard Tren and Jullian Morris, and worked with
Attaran on the campaign to exempt DDT from the POPS treaty on pesticides.
Jullian Morris Co-Director with Roger Bate
of International Policy Network, also affiliated with the
Institute of Economic Affairs in London, the Liberty Institute in India and
other groups. Like Bate and Tren, Morris writes about a wide range of
policy issues, from global warming and other environmental issues to
patents and parallel trade. Here are a few of his articles.
Owen Lippert. Lippert has worked with the Fraser Institute in
Canada and the Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo (Liberty and
Development) in Chile.
John R. Graham: Graham is the Director of the Pharmaceutical
Policy Research Centre at The Fraser Institute. He has
published a number of papers on international price differences. His
positions (as he wrote CPTech in an email) are "pro-IP, anti
parallel importing, anti price controls, and anti government run
prescription drug benefit programs."
- February, 2002. Prescription Drug Prices in Canada and the United States.
Margalit Edelman: Research Fellow, the Alexis de Tocquerville Institute.
The AdTI has has a program on
Intellectual Property, for
which Edelman's work is often featured.
Grace-Marie Turner: Founder, President and Trustee
of the
Galen Institute. This group focuses mainly on health issues,
with a mission statement that reads: "Our goal is to expand public education about
free-market ideas to invigorate a consumer-driven market for health
services and increase access to affordable, privately-owned health
insurance." When the group does address the issue of intellectual property,
it is squarely on Big Pharma's side. There are a lot of
colmuns posted on their site
here. Some columns written by Grace-Marie Turner are listed below:
IPR Network
Andrew Sullivan: Former editor of
the New Republic.
- Documents written by Andrew Sullivan
- Documents written about Andrew Sullivan
Gerald Mossinghoff is a former Assistant Secretary of Commerce and
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks and a former President of the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. He is also a
Visiting Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the George Washington
University Law School. NPR sometime quotes him as a professor and
former government official, not mentioning he was the former president of PhRMA.
The International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI) was created by
Bruce Lehman, the former chief of the USPTO,
to push for higher levels of IP protection in developing
countries. In December 2000, the IIPI published on the WIPO web page,
Patent Protection and Access to HIV/AIDS Pharmaceuticals in
Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper was then updated and coauthored by Amir Attaran and
IIPI's Lee Gillespie-White, as
Do Patents for Antiretroviral Drugs Constrain Access to AIDS Treatment in
Africa?, in JAMA. See the section on Attaran above for cites to the
Attaran/Gillespie-White JAMA article. See also:
- November 19, 2001. Lee Gillespie-White.
Doha Declaration on Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Medicines:
What was really achieved?
IIPI HIV/AIDS Pilot Project Page
- IIPI's line item budget appropriation.
In the July 13, 2001, Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the
Judiciary and Related Agencies Apporpriations Bill, FY2002,
Report 107-139.,
is this item:
Within the amounts available to the PTO in fiscal year 2002, the
Committee expects that not less than $3,000,000 will be provided to
expand PTO's relationship with the National Inventor's Hall of Fame and
Inventure Place, and not less than $1,000,000 will be provided to the
International Intellectual Property Institute to promote sustainable
development in developing countries and to protect business interests by
assisting in the establishment of intellectual property legal
Hannah Kettler.
Narrowing the Gap between provision and need for medicines in developing countries,
Office of Health Economics (OHE), February 2000, available from OHE, 12 Whitehall, London SW1 2DY.
Richard Rozek: NERA.
The Effects of Patent Protection on the Prices of
Pharmaceutical Products: Is
Intellectual Property Protection Raising the Drug Bill in Developing Countries?
Richard Rozek and Ruth Berkowitz.
Parallel Trade in Pharmaceuticals: The Impact on Welfare and Innovation.
Richard Rozek and Richard Rapp
Benefits and Costs of Intellectual Property Protection in Developing Countries.
Richard Rapp, Richard Rozek.
PhMRA's list of
Policy Studies Supporting
PhRMA Principles for
Health System Reform