World Health Organization Page on Pricing for drugs on its
Essential Drugs List.
- Medecins Sans Frontiers.
Untangling the Web of Price Reductions: a Pricing Guide for the
Purchase of ARVs for Developing Countries. (9th ed. - July, 2006) Also available online, the
eighth edition (June 2005),
seventh edition (February 2005),
sixth edition (April 2004),
fifth edition (December 2003),
fourth edition (April 2003),
second edition (June 2002), and first edition (October 2001).
Pan American Health Organization Page on Antiretroviral Prices - includes
country-by-country data, as well as a number of reports.
- May 30, 2006. Health Action International.
Price, availability and affordability. An international comparison of
chronic disease medicines.
- April, 2006. John E. Calfee, Mario Villarreal and Elizabeth DuPré. Working Paper 06-07,
American Enterprise Institute - Brookings Join Center for Regulatory Studies. An Exploratory
Analysis of Pharmaceutical Price Disparities and Their Implications Among Six Developed Nations.
- January, 2005. World Health Organization.
Sources and Prices of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
- May, 2004.
Esssential Drugs Monitor 33 Special Pricing Supplement
- May 11, 2004. Carol C. Adelman, Jeremiah Norris, and S. Jean Weicher for the
Hudson Institute.
Myths and Realities on Prices of AIDS Drugs. Also, see the
critical response from Medecins Sans Frontieres.
- 2003, June 23. UNICEF, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization and
Medicins Sans Frontiers.
Sources and prices of selected drugs and diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS,
- 2002, May. UNICEF, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization and
Medicins Sans Frontiers.
Sources and prices of selected drugs and diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS.
- 2001, October 5. Carmen Perez-Casas, Cécile Macé, Daniel Berman, and
Julia Double for MSF.
Accessing ARVs: Untangling the Web of Price Reductions for Developing Countries.
- 2001, July. Australian Productivity Commission.
International Pharmaceutical Price Differences.
- 2001, July. Office of Rep. Gutknecht.
Outrageously High Drug Prices.
- 2001, July 10. Families USA.
Off the Charts: Pay, Profits and Spending in Drug Companies.
Here is the
pres release that accompanies the report.
- 2001, June 12. Families USA.
Enough to Make You Sick:
Prescription Drug Prices for the Elderly. Here is the
press release that accompanies the report.
- 2001, May. UNICEF, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization and
Medicins Sans Frontiers.
Sources and prices of selected drugs and diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS.
- May 2001. Alliance for Retired Americans.
The Profit In Pills.
- December, 2000. The Wellcome Trust, the Institute for Global
Health, and the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health.
Intellectual Property Rights
and Global Health: Challenges for Access and R&D. Focuses on
differential pricing, as well as R&D for neglected diseases.
- 2000, October. Joint projct of UNAIDS, UNICEF, the World Health Organization's
Essential and Drugs Medicines Policy, and Medicins sans Frontieres.
Selected drugs used in the care of people living with HIV: sources and prices.
- 2000, August 8. Joseph DiMasi, Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development.
Price Trends for Prescription Pharmaceuticals: 1995-1999.
(A background report prepared for the Department of health and
Human Services' Conference on Pharmaceutical Pricing Practices,
Utilization and Costs.)
- 2000, July 11, 2000, Panos Institute,
Beyond Our Means? The Cost of Treating HIV/AIDS in the Developing World
- 2000, July 7, 2000, MSF, Carmen Pérez-Casas et al.,
HIV/AIDS medicines pricing report. Setting objectives: is there a political will?
- 2000, June 24, Fred J. Hellinger and John A. Fleishman, in Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Estimating the National Cost of Treating People With HIV Disease: Patient, Payer, and
Provider Data
- 2000, April/May, Dr. K Balasubramaniam and Kiran Sagoo, HAINEWS NUMBER 112,
Patents and Prices
- 2000 April. Department of Health and Human Services.
Issues in Prescription Drug Coverage, Pricing, Utilization and
Spending: What We Know and Need to Know (Appendix A).
- 2000, February 26. R.O. Laing, K. McGoldrick/
Tuberculosis Drug Issues: Prices, Fixed Dose Combination Products and
Second Line Drugs.
- 1999, August 10, 2001. Office of Rep. Elijah E. Cummings;
Minority Staff Report for the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.
Prescription Drug Pricing in the 7th Congressional District of Maryland:
An International Price Comparison.
- 1999, August 2,
Prescription Drug Pricing in the United States:
Drug Companies Profit at the Expense of Older Americans,
Minority Staff Report, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight,
U.S. House of Representatives.
- 1999, November 9. Minority Staff, Special Investigations
Division, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives.
Prescription Drug Pricing in the United States: Drug Companies Profit at the
Expense of older Americans.
- 1999, September. Health Insurance Association of America.
Prescription Drugs: Cost and Coverage Trends.
- 1999. July 27. Alan Sager, Access and Affordability
Monitoring Project, Boston University School of Public Health.
Affordable Medications for Americans.
- 1998, July. The Congressional Budget Office.
How Increased Competition from Generic Drugs Has Affected Prices
and Returns in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
- 1998, Summer. Larry D. Sasich, E. Fuller Torrey, and Sidney M. Wolfe.
Public Citizen Health Research Group.
Report on the International Comparison of Prices of Antidepressant
and Antipsychotic Drugs.
- 1998 February 3. David Cantor for the Congressional Research Service.
Prescription Drugs: Factors Influencing their Pricing.
- 1998, January 23. David Cantor for the Congressional Research Service.
Prescription Drug Price Comparisons: The United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Canada-Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB)
Canada's PMPRB-Study Series and Discussion Papers
International Drug Price Indicator Guide.
- 2001, March 28. CPT survey. Retail Price of Losec in 10 Countries.
- 2001. Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association.
Ontario Brand/Generic Price Comparisons for Top 25 Genericized Products.
- 2000, June 27, FAR-MANGUINHOS, Ministry of Health Brazil,
Table : HIV/AIDS drugs in Brazil
- 2000, June 26, Richard Laing,
Comparative Prices of ARV Drugs Public and Private Sector
- 1999, November 10, USA TODAY's
comparisons of the prices of the 10best selling prescription drugs
in America with prices in Canada,Great Britain, Australia, and Mexico.
- 1998 December 31.
Pharmacy Mark-Ups of generic drugs, from story in
the Wall Street Journal by Elyse Tanouye, "Price Markups on Generics
Can Top Brand-Name Drugs."
Comparison of EC and USA HIV drug prices from
Table 1 of CPT's coments on South Africa parallel imports legislation.
- Dr. K Balasubramaniam's study of Health Action International of prices for
Ranitiidine (Zantac),
Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin, Amoxil, Trimox) or
Captopril (Capoten).
- BK Keayla's
comparisons of prices of three drugs in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, UK and the USA
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