Scope and Purpose
The endorsement by the World Bank and other international organizations
of the MDGs as the appropriate framework for development assistance activities
calls for a sectoral analysis of the roles that each sector has to play in
order to best contribute to these goals and not to become a bottleneck to its
achievement. These meeting is aimed at presenting and discussing a
comprehensive set of options that countries and international organizations
should consider when designing their pharmaceutical strategies for improving
access to drugs in developing countries, especially among the poor, and to
identify the required interventions to be carried out at both global and
national level. In some cases, policy makers will be able to choose among
strategies and mechanisms that might have been previously applied, sometimes
successfully, in some countries. Often, innovative approaches will have to be
developed in order to address new challenges or the failure of previous
The meeting will pay an especial attention to the role of generics and
to local production, two issues that have been relatively neglected in the
recent policy debates, almost exclusively centered on the role of multinational
companies and on intellectual property rights. The main purpose of the meeting
is to identify the role and opportunities for the World Bank in these two
The morning session of the first day will be devoted to presenting the
conclusions of the consultation process, including, the June 2 Workshop. The
presentations will concentrate on the main problems identified, as well as the
information gaps. In the afternoon session country experiences on generic
policies and local production will be presented and discussed. Speakers will
focus on lessons learned than can be useful for other countries. Finally, a
panel of World Bank staff will discuss the implications of the topics addressed
for Bank's policies and operational activities.
The second day will begin with a proposal of strategy options outlined
by the Generics Consultative group. The participants will then split into
several thematic groups for an in-depth discussion and review of the previous
proposal. The groups will report back in the final plenary session that will
end with a proposal and discussion of a future action and research agenda.
The sessions will be video-recorded and made available for public access at
B-SPAN, the World Bank's web casting station on development issue.
Tuesday, June 24
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:30 Opening Remarks
9:30-11:00 Key Issues
Chair: Guy Ellena, Director, Health and Education Unit (CHEDR), IFC
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15- 1:00 Country Experiences Discussion
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Country Experiences (cont) Discussion
3:30-4:00 Coffee break
4:00-5:00 World Bank panel: Needs and perspectives from the Regions (6 speakers)
Chair: Alex Preker, Lead Health Economist, Health, Nutrition and Population (HDNHE),
The World Bank
5:00-5:30 Discussion
Wednesday, June 25
9:00-10:00 Plenary session
Generic Consultative Group: Options for the World Bank in order
to advance the MDG and the pro-poor agenda (Juan Rovira) General discussion
10:00-12:30 Working groups - Discussion of implications for Bank's
policies and operations (5 parallel sessions)
Participants will be allocated to one group. During the last participants
(except the chair and the rapporteur) will be allowed to move around to other groups.
Auditorium will be moved to the MC cafeteria private rooms where
participants will have a breakfast. Participants will be allocated to
one of the group below. During the last 30 minutes participants (except the
chair and the repporteur) will be allowed to move around to other
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2.30 Plenary session
Chair: Robert Hecht, Acting Director and Sector Manager,
Health, Nutrition and Population (HDNHE) The World Bank
2:30-3:30 Working groups reporting back to plenary
3:30-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-4.15 Discussion
4:15-5:15 Future agenda and conclusions
Due to space constraints, please confirm attendance to Akosua Dakwa,,
phone 202 458 2283.
Participant who are not WB staff will be provided with building passes.
You can pick up your visitor pass at the MC reception desk. You'll be requested
to show a picture ID.
The address of MC Building is: 1818 H Street N.W.
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