William F. Haddad
Bill Haddad is a generic drug manufacturer, a founder of the generic trade association and its chairman/president for over a decade. Was vice chairman and CEO of solid dosage manufacturing for Schein Pharmaceutical, one of the largest generic companies. He initiated and negotiated the Drug Price Competition and Patent Restoration Act (Hatch-Waxman); helped to organize the team leading to the reducing of AIDS prices in Africa from $12-15,000 a year to less than a dollar a day. He began his studies/hearings/writings on the multinational pharmaceutical companies as an assistant to the late Senator Estes Kefavuer.
Was one of the founders, Associate Director and Inspector General of the Peace Corps and the poverty program (OEO). He worked as an assistant to Robert Kennedy and during the presidential campaign as a liaison between Robert and Jack Kennedy. He was Mario Cuomo's campaign manager in his first successful effort to win the governorship in New York.
He won a dozen awards and nominated for the Pulitzer Price as reporter and investigative editor of the New York Post and New York Herald Tribune. For the Tribune he exposed the tetracycline cartel resulting in fines of $200,000,000 and a collapse of the cartel.
He held the subpoena power for the New York Assembly and in joint hearings with the US House of Representatives exposed and collapsed the Uranium Cartel. His investigation of the oil companies resulted in several billion dollars in rebates to the States.
As an author, he has written several books.
He is currently attempting to create a generic biotech industry where the issues are not scientific, but political.
Biogenerics, Inc.
United States Research and Development Corp.
Representing Cipla, Ltd. (as volunteer)
on AIDS medicines campaign.
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