R&D Funding - Competition, Patents, Prizes and Markets
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
1621 Connecticut Ave, NW #500
Washington DC 20009
+202 332 2679
Owen Barder is a Senior Program Associate at the Center for Global Development. He is well known for his work on vaccine development, and his advocacy, with Professor Michael Kramer and others, of Advanced Purchase Commitments to provide incentives for development of medicines for diseases that primarily afflict persons living in poverty.
His talk will address the broader issue of how to structure incentives for new medicines, that are consistent with priority setting and access.
This will be one of several workshops CPTech will host on R&D issues.
If you would like to join us please RSVP your name, title, organization and contact details to: joy.spencer@cptech.org or 202.332.2670 (t)
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