June 20, 2001 CPT Letter to Hans van Loon Concerning Hague Convention Documents

Mr. J.H.A. van Loon
Secretary General
Hague Conference on Private International Law
Email: secretariat@hcch.net
via E-mail

Cc: Kovarj@ms.state.gov

Dear Mr. van Loon,

This is a request that the Hague post publicly-accessible, electronic versions of all working papers and proposals circulated during the last diplomatic conference on the Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements, on the Hague Conference's web site. As you know, there is great public interest in this convention, and this will make the process more transparent. Also, we ask that in the next convention, you post on the Hague Conference web page instructions to NGOs on how to participate and obtain access to the meetings, something that other global bodies often do, and that you also create a procedure for real time posting of working papers, to given the general public an opportunity to follow these negotiations as they take place.


Vergil Bushnell
Consumer Project on Technology
email: vbushnell@cptech.org
voice: 1.202.387.8030

James Love
Consumer Project on Technology