In this WIPO case, someone who used to show
pornographic materials lost the domain to Tata Sons Limited.  This is the
part of the decision where the WIPO panel explains why is "identical or confusingly similar" to     Jamie
Tata Sons Limited v. D & V Enterprises
Case No. D2000-0479 

a) Domain Name "Identical or Confusingly Similar" 

It is clear to the Panel that an integral part of the Domain Name
registered by the Respondent in this case, namely "tatas", is
confusingly similar, and almost identical, to the Complainant's TM TATA.
It is true, of course, that the Respondent, in its Domain Name
registration, has used "tata" plus the addition of the letter "s" 
whilst the Complainant's trademark has no "s". This, however, is of no
benefit to the Respondent. In the Complainant's submission, which is
amply substantiated by copies of articles and reports submitted (see:
Complaint - Annexures "E" and "F") the Tata Group of Companies is
collectively referred to as "Tatas" throughout the world. 

One might think, nevertheless, that the inclusion of the word
"bodacious" in the domain name registered by the Respondent, taken
together with the addition of the letter "s" to TATA, could create a
sufficient distinction, for trademark purposes, between the
Complainant's TM TATA, on the one hand, and the Respondent's Domain Name
on the other. Such a contention, however, is untenable in the view of
the Panel, by virtue of the very high level of goodwill that both TATA
and TATAS have acquired. Further, TATA, without any vestige of doubt,
constitutes a famous (or, in international parlance, well known) mark -
a subject to which the Panel will return. 


It must be said, also, that it is now generally accepted in most
countries that well-known marks, particularly those surrounded by an
aura of high repute, excellent quality and respectability, deserve wide
protection. This the Panel holds to be the case with the TM TATA and its
corresponding service mark. In this area, therefore, the addition of a
word like "bodacious" ["South Midland and Southern U.S.-1."thorough";
"blatant"; "unmistakable"; 2."remarkable"; "outstanding"; 3.
"audacious"; "bold"; "brazen" - "Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged
Dictionary of the English Language": (1989)], and the addition of the
letter "s", does not render the Domain Name less identical or less
confusingly similar to a trade or service mark. Indeed, the opposite is
true, particularly when one considers most of the meanings attributed to
the word "bodacious".