Ralph Nader P.O. Box 19312 Washington, DC 20036 Ralph@essential.org James Love Consumer Project on Technology P.O. Box 19367 Washington, DC 20036 202.387.8030; fax 202.234.5176 http://www.cptech.org love@cptech.org June 29, 1998 William E. Kennard Chairman Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street N.W. Washington DC 20554 Dear Chairman Kennard: We were surprised to read that you have already issued several positive comments on the proposed merger between the largest long distance Company and the largest cable monopoly. Given the fact that the FCC has yet to officially stop any of the giant telecom mergers, including those such as Bell Atlantic/Nynex, which greatly reduced prospects for competition in New York and and New Jersey, and the pending Worldcom/MCI merger, which will significantly reduce competition for long distance calling, our expectations for the vigor of a regulatory review were appropriately modest. That said, we are concerned that in a rush to join the army of industry "experts" who have applauded this action as pro- competitive, you may have not had sufficient time to consider important aspects of the merger, and you may have overlooked some key issues. In this letter we will examine two simple issues. I. IS ONE STOP SHOPPING PRO-CONSUMER? All the news reports of the merger indicate the major consumer benefit will be the availability of "one stop shopping" for services. Some have focused on those services which involve telecommunications, but John Malone, who will be a key figure in AT&T's future, indicated the plan was for AT&T to be involved in a much broader array of consumer purchases, including, Mr. Malone said, such products as Viagra, through a planned "front end" interface to the Internet and electronic commerce. This will use in part technology licensed from Microsoft. AT&T sees some obvious benefits in consumers buying everything they need from AT&T, but is this really best for consumers? Consider the following model. Suppose AT&T sells a vector of products for which it has market power, such as cable television, and for these products, given elasticities of demand, the profit maximizing price for AT&T is p*, but in an unregulated environment, AT&T can charge even more than its profit maximizing price, say p**> p*. Suppose further that AT&T is selling a vector of services for which competition exists, such as PCS wireless services or Internet connectivity, to which AT&T must deal with competitors who face roughly the same or even lower costs than AT&T. For these, the best AT&T can do while earning a profit is to price the services at z*. By bundling, AT&T can offer its consumers the following options. Buy each service separately at a higher price, or qualify for discounts by purchasing services in a bundle. For example, suppose the options were: 1. The opportunity to buy the monopoly services at p**, and/or competitive services from anyone, which are sold by AT&T at z*, or 2. A bundle which includes the monopoly services at p', and the competitive services at z', Where p' < p** z' < z* For the consumer, the "product" being bought now is a bundle, and the price p' or z' is meaningless, except in the context of access to the bundle. For consumers who wanted both services, AT&T could choose prices p' and z' which make the bundle irresistible, and in the competitive services markets z, AT&T could under price other firms, while obtaining significant economic rents from the monopoly services. (Since the bundle of p' + z' is priced less than the separate purchases of p** and z*). In this example, the fact that a company can require the purchase of the bundle to get the best price p* for the monopoly good, has the effect of binding the consumer to the monopolist for several goods. Moreover, if this permits the firm to extend its monopoly in one market to others, there will be a continual increase in entry barriers for any market that can become part of the bundle. This ultimately limits competitors to those, if any, that can provide a very broad product line. There is a complex economics literature which asks whether or not such problems are likely to occur or harm consumers, and on theoretical grounds alone one can argue several different positions. However, one can also observe in the real world examples that are consistent with the example given above. For example, in 1996, PacBell (now owned by SBC, the firm trying to buy Ameritech) offered residential consumers seven months of free Internet service if consumers would buy a second telephone line from PacBell. One did not observe any examples of ISPs in the competitive market offering similar promotions. Most cable operators offering cable modems price the service so that consumers are required to buy their standard cable TV product, which basically removes DBS as a viable competitor. Today both AT&T and MCI offer significant discounts on Internet services if customers choose AT&T or MCI as their long distance companies. There is no a priori reason to believe that there are significant economies of scope in the two services. AT&T and MCI control a huge market share in the residential long distance market, and they price services to residential consumers far above that charged to their large business customers. One can also see considerable bundling strategies by Microsoft in products such as browsers, personal information managers, fax programs and presentation graphics, to mention a few. Many in the software industry believe that the bundling of Microsoft Office is far more important than product integration in explaining Microsoft's 90 percent market share in office productivity applications. One important element of the examples given above is the dynamic nature of the market, the need to defend older monopolies from new entrants, the use of bundling to discipline and weaken rivals, and the fact that market leaders for these new technologies can manipulate and bias market standards. Given AT&Ts history in anticompetitive actions, and TCI's enormous reputation for anticompetitive actions in the cable television market, it is prudent to expect bundling strategies to be used an anticompetitive ways against rivals. We think this deserves real debate and consideration. II. Does concentration narrow the political debate and strengthen cartels or monopolies? It is a fact of life that monopolies and large firms are politically active, and politically powerful. If there are several different firms with distinctive different economic interests, one can hope that this will create situations where different sides of issues can be forcefully advocated, exposing policy makers to real alternatives. But as the number of firms dwindles and firms become entangled in alliances, joint ventures or mergers, debate narrows. Compaq Computer could not participate in Bell Atlantic ISDN rate case because a Bell Atlantic official served on the Compaq board of directors. PacBell told Intel to get out of the California ISDN tariff proceeding or PacBell would refuse to sell Intel ISDN video conferencing equipment. TCI and Time-Warner are in so many joint ventures together is hard to imagine them as head to head competitors. At a certain point of inbreeding, the genetic stock begins to suffer, along with the vigor of competition and innovation. And at a certain point, a giant company or oligopoly has so much power that it is unduly risky for firms or even government officials to risk challenges of core economic interests. These issues, which we believe are both real and obvious, and which are certainly on the minds of alert consumers, should be addressed by the Commission. We ask that the Commission schedule public hearings to discuss and debate these and other aspects of the proposed merger. Sincerely, Ralph Nader James Love
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